On December 22nd, 2024 our Sunday School children will lead us in worship at the 10:30 AM service with our annual Children’s Christmas Program.
Christmas Eve Services: Family | Daylight Christmas Eve Worship At 3:00 PM and Traditional Christmas Eve Worship at 9:30 PM.
The Annual Advent Craft Faire and Nativity Puppet Show will take place on Sunday, December 1, 2024 beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the Social Hall.
Sunday School is held every Sunday morning. We continue to teach Sunday School during the worship service.
Begun in 2016 by the Discipleship Committee as Miles to Mend, the Good Samaritan Program is a ministry that attempts to respond to the fact that members of our Tri-Valley community experience budget shortfalls at times.
Our Food Closet Item for this month is Instant Rice. You can donate any food, this item and others, to the Food Pantry cupboard in the in the hall next to the Nursery Classroom. We thank you for your generosity to help local families in need.
Trinity will again be participating in Operation Christmas Child. This program uses gift-filled shoeboxes to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world.
The Tree of Life was presented to Trinity Lutheran Church in memory of Russell and Jean Dietrich by their daughters. Jean’s desire was to continue supporting Christian education at Trinity so the Tree of Life Project was established..
Take notice of our ninety nine year old bell! While it sat on the porch for three years we decided that it needed a permanent setting. We removed the holly bush, poured concrete, built a triangular resting structure, spiffed the bell and placed it.
May the light and promise of the Resurrection shine in the lives of the family and friends of Ruth Ann Artz. Rest eternal grant her, O Lord. And let light perpetual shine upon her.
Vacation Bible School Sunday - September 8, 2024. Our VBS Kids and Staff share what they encountered over this special week. Highlights from this year’s Mission Trip will also be featured.
On Thursday, May 9, 2024, members of Trinity and St. James Pitman completed the cleaning and furnishing of a 24th Apartment for the Brethren Housing Association’s Adopt-An-Apartment Program.
Trinity Lutheran Church’s Vacation Bible School - Sunday, June 9 - Thursday, June 13 from 6 - 8 pm