Worship Services - Everyone Welcome

Saturday Evenings, 5:00 pm
Sunday Mornings, 10:30 am
Sunday School, 10:30am to 11:30am

Sunday School

Sunday School is held every Sunday morning from 10:30 to 11:30.

3 years old through Sixth Grade and Confirmation

You do not have to be a member of Trinity to attend. Our Sunday School is open to all.

Sunday School News

As we live with one another we find that Sunday 10:30 AM
Works best for Sunday School.
Extensive preparation for teachers is provided.
We would appreciate your consideration to teach.
A sign-up sheet usually can be found on the white table behind the last pew.

First Communion Classes

Parents of eight year olds and/or third graders,
please stay tuned for first communion classes.

Bible Study

Our Bible Study will begin February 3rd at 6:00 PM at Trinity.
We will be studying The Bible Recap, a One-Year Guide to Reading
and Understanding the Entire Bible
by Tara-Leigh Cobble in conjunction with
The Bible Recap Journal, Your Daily Companion to The Entire Bible.
The Guide and Journal will be provided.
All are welcome and your friends, too!

TLC’s Youth Sunday

Join us February 23, 2025
TLC’s Youth Sunday
“Surrounded by Prayer”
10:30 AM

Youth Group Meeting

 February 23, 2025

 Youth Group will meet following the worship service for pizza and 9 Square fun!

Ash Wednesday

As Epiphany comes to a close,
plan on celebrating Ash Wednesday, March 5th, with Friedens.

From Our Designated Pastor

  1. I am your designated pastor, who serves as a pastor when a congregation is seeking a new pastor.

  2. I will be available in the pastor’s office in the church for conversation, discussion about ministry, etc. on TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.

  3. I will be attending Church Council meetings and other committees as our time together unfolds.

  4. If an immediate family member (husband, wife, children) or extended family member is hospitalized, please call me directly and leave a message. I’d prefer hearing more than once rather than not at all.

  5. What do you call me? “Pastor” is fine.