What's Happening in February

TLC’s Youth Sunday

Join us February 23, 2025
TLC’s Youth Sunday “
Surrounded by Prayer”

10:30 AM

Sunday School

As we live with one another we find that Sunday 10:30 AM
Works best for Sunday School.
Extensive preparation for teachers is provided.
We would appreciate your consideration to teach.
A sign-up sheet usually can be found on the white table behind the last pew.

First Communion Classes

Parents of eight year olds and/or third graders,
please stay tuned for first communion classes.

Bible Study

Our Bible Study will begin February 3rd at 6:00 PM at Trinity.
We will be studying The Bible Recap, a One-Year Guide to Reading
and Understanding the Entire Bible
by Tara-Leigh Cobble in conjunction with
The Bible Recap Journal, Your Daily Companion to The Entire Bible.
The Guide and Journal will be provided.
All are welcome and your friends, too!

Community Garden Survey

A community garden is a piece of land gardened by members of the community.
Community gardens may provide a source of inexpensive, nutritious food,
an opportunity for physical activity, and a source of
personal and community pride.

The purpose of the attached garden layout and survey is to determine interest
in a new community garden. Your answers will be used to decide
whether a community garden would be embraced by the community.

This survey should take 5 minutes or less of your time.
Community Garden Online Survey: https://forms.gle/7UeS6kKQDDa1jCjp9.
The survey can be mailed to the church, delivered when coming to church, or use the online form to complete the survey.

Red Cross Blood Drive

A blood drive will take place on February 19, 2025, from 2:00 – 7:00 PM
In the Social Hall at Trinity.

This drive comes at a very much needed time when we face the challenges of
the winter months. Severe winter weather and wildfires have forced thousands
of blood donations to go uncollected. There is a critical need for platelets,
as well as an emergency shortage for types O negative and B negative blood.
All blood types are needed especially Type O and Power Red donations!

To schedule an appointment to donate, go to RedCrossBlood.org.

Lip Sync Show

You are all invited to participate
In this year’s super fun
Lip Sync Show at Trinity!!
TLC’s Got Game!
Sunday, May 4, 2025
Dinner at 6 pm; Show to follow

Agape Table Meal

February’s Agape Meal will be held on
Wednesday, February 12th, at 5:30 PM
in the Social Hall.

February’s menu will be sausage/pasta bake, tossed salad, Italian bread, and cake.

March’s Agape Meal will be held on Wednesday, March 12, at 5:30 PM in the Social Hall. March’s menu will be shepherd’s pie, pepper cabbage, applesauce, and cake. Please consider joining us for food and fellowship! Pass the word to your friends and neighbors. Trinity’s Agape Table meal is always free. No offering is ever taken at the meal. Although registration is not required, signing up helps the Kitchen Committee better plan the amount of food to cook. You can sign up on the easel at the back of the sanctuary, or by calling the church office at (570) 682-9373.

Ash Wednesday

As Epiphany comes to a close,
plan on celebrating Ash Wednesday, March 5th, with Friedens.

Trinity Church