Our Food Closet Item for this month is Peanut Butter and Jelly. You can donate any food, this item and others, to the Food Pantry cupboard in the in the hall next to the Nursery Classroom. We thank you for your generosity to help local families in need.
On Thursday, May 9, 2024, members of Trinity and St. James Pitman completed the cleaning and furnishing of a 24th Apartment for the Brethren Housing Association’s Adopt-An-Apartment Program.
On Monday, March 4, 2024, members of Trinity and St. James Pitman completed the cleaning and furnishing of a 23rd apartment for the Brethren Housing Association’s Adopt-An-Apartment Program.
The two Community Aid bins at the west end of the parking lot are waiting for donations. The items donated are used to support CommunityAid’s mission.
On August 25th, members of Trinity and St. James Pitman completed the cleaning and furnishing of a 22nd apartment for the Brethren Housing Association’s Adopt-An-Apartment Program.
First Day Fresh Impressions - Free Back to School Shopping Event - Saturday, August 12th, 9:00-11:00 AM.
On May 5th, members of Trinity and St. James Pitman completed the cleaning and furnishing of a 20th apartment for the Brethren Housing Association’s Adopt-An-Apartment Program.
On April 3rd, members of Trinity and St. James Pitman completed the cleaning and furnishing of a 19th apartment for the Brethren Housing Association’s Adopt-An-Apartment Program.
On June 28th, members of Trinity and St. James Pitman completed the cleaning and furnishing of a 21st apartment for the Brethren Housing Association’s Adopt-An-Apartment Program.
On August 2nd, members of Trinity and St. James Pitman completed the cleaning and furnishing of an 18th apartment for the Brethren Housing Association’s Adopt-An-Apartment Program.
The Trinity Lutheran Church Youth Group is conducting a Coat Drive from now through November 23, 2022. The goal of this drive is to give the gift of warmth by providing winter coats, hats, gloves to anyone who is in need.
In May and June, members of Trinity and St. James Pitman completed the cleaning and furnishing of a 16th and 17th apartment for the Brethren Housing Association’s Adopt-An-Apartment Program.
Trinity Lutheran Church will again be holding it’s annual FREE Back to School Shopping Event in August. Collection of new and gently used clothing is taking place during the months of June and July.
In January, members of Trinity and St. James Pitman completed the cleaning and furnishing of a 15th apartment for the Brethren Housing Association’s Adopt-An-Apartment Program.
In November and December, members of Trinity and St. James Pitman completed the cleaning and furnishing of a 13th and 14th apartment for the Brethren Housing Association’s Adopt-An-Apartment Program
This month, members of Trinity and St. James Pitman completed the cleaning and furnishing of a 12th apartment for the Brethren Housing Association’s Adopt-An-Apartment Program.
We will be celebrating Harvest Home the Weekend of October 10th. We’ll be collecting for the Tri-Valley Food Closet.
Trinity Lutheran Church will be holding our annual FREE Back to School Shopping Event on Saturday, August 14th from 9:00 AM to 12 noon. Collection of new or gently used clothing is taking place from June 1st through July 31st.
In June members of Trinity and St. James Pitman completed the cleaning and furnishing of an eleventh apartment for the Brethren Housing Association’s Adopt-An-Apartment Program.
Archelet Duverne, Executive Director at Passion Rescue Mission proudly announced: “The dream was big! The result was big!” See inside for more information.
The cleaning and furnishing of a 10th apartment for the Brethren Housing Association’s Adopt-An-Apartment Program was completed in January.
This month members of Trinity and St. James Pitman completed the cleaning and furnishing of their ninth apartment for the Brethren Housing Association’s Adopt-An-Apartment Program.
Our pill bottle collection continues. We are collecting empty pill bottles from old prescriptions to send to Matthew 25 Project in Blue Ash, OH, where the bottles are sent to third world countries for use there.
Members of Trinity and St. James Pitman completed the cleaning and furnishing of a second and third floor, four bedroom apartment in Harrisburg. This is the eighth apartment completed for the Brethren Housing Association’s Adopt-An-Apartment Program.
In August, members of Trinity and St. James Pitman completed the cleaning and furnishing of their seventh apartment for the Brethren Housing Association’s Adopt-An-Apartment Program.
Thank you to everyone for your participation in the 2020 Operation Christmas Child shoebox collection.
We will be celebrating Harvest Home on Sunday, October 11th. This year we’ll be collecting for the Tri-Valley Food Closet.
4th Annual Back to School Clothing Shopping Event. Clothing vouchers will be given, to shop for your children, at any Community Aid store or at Valley Treasures in Valley View. Donations of gently used clothing is requested and can be placed in the Community Aid bins at the west end of Trinity’s parking lot.
As we start to see the re-opening of some businesses and some restrictions are being lifted, maybe now is a time to give thanks for our health and reach out to those less fortunate; be it someone on the other side of the world or someone right down the street.
We have completed the cleaning and furnishing of our sixth apartment for the Brethren Housing Association’s (BHA) Adopt-an-Apartment program. This apartment is a 1st floor, two bedroom apartment located in Harrisburg.
We have completed the cleaning and furnishing of our fifth apartment for the Brethren Housing Association’s (BHA) Adopt-an-Apartment program. This apartment is a 2nd and 3rd floor, two bedroom apartment located in Harrisburg.
Operation Christmas Child uses gift-filled shoeboxes to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Collection due date was Sunday, November 17th.
Harvest Home will be celebrated at Trinity on Saturday, October 12th and Sunday, October 13th. This celebration provides an opportunity for us to give to others in thanks for all that we have been given.
We have completed the cleaning and furnishing of our fourth apartment for the Brethren Housing Association’s (BHA) Adopt-an-Apartment program. This apartment is a two floor, two bedroom apartment located in Harrisburg.