Pastor's Letter - January
Pastor’s Letter
Grace and Peace to you from God our Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
2018 is here, sisters and brothers in Christ. The passage of time reminds us that things are moving. In some ways, they are moving quicker than what is comfortable for us. As of 2018, the last child born in the 1990s is now 19 years old- old enough to drive, old enough to vote, and unfortunately, old enough to buy cigarettes if they so choose.
2018 is here, and with it comes a time that is unlike any before it. Some of that is reflected in our congregational life. Thanks to the hard work of both Steve Schwalm and Travis Snyder, we have technology as a part of worship. I see that more and more of us are now looking up at the screen rather than at the bulletin, and in that I see a transition of time. One side effect? I hear more audibly the singing from the congregation, and that is a wonderful thing to hear.
2018 is here, and our children now have more access to various forms of media than any generation before it. This is a good idea to implore parents of our young children: ask them what they are seeing on YouTube and other kinds of New Media. Do you know who they watch? I was surprised to hear our youth group kids talk about this stuff. Chances are that even if they aren’t seeing it at home, they are hearing about it at school.
2018 is here, and we have no idea otherwise what this year will bring. I hope and pray for success here at Trinity Lutheran Church. I hope and pray for successful mission, for a spiritual deepening to happen in our congregation, and of course, for new members that become essential voices in the congregation.
One year ago, I had no idea what 2017 would bring. For one thing, I had no idea that at this time, I would be writing my newsletter article while trying to also keep Timmy entertained. I was almost sure that 2017 would be marked by deep loss, but had no idea about the great gain that would happen in my family. God always surprises us!
2018 is here. This month we will begin one step to congregational revitalization as we study “From Surviving to Thriving” together beginning on January 15. But what will happen as a result? Only God knows.
So some words from your pastor: Be prepared for anything. Be ready to be shaped, be ready to be molded, and be ready to adapt for the multitude of ways that God may surprise us in this coming year. By maintaining a spirit of openness and readiness, we equip ourselves for the entry of the Holy Spirit in our midst.
Be ready to be surprised together!
Pastor Brian Biessel