Vacation Bible School - June 6th thru June 10th

We completed another successful week of Vacation Bible School. Many thanks to the Christian Education Committee, Dara Troutman for coordinating the week, the teachers and helpers, all who contributed snacks, parents and all the children who made the week a success.

At Rocky Railway, kids discovered through life’s ups and downs that Jesus’ power pulls us through.

Kids participated in memorable Bible-learning activities, sing catchy songs, play team-building games, engaged in fun snack-eating experiences, ook part in one-of-a-kind Bible Adventures, collect Bible Memory Buddies to remind them to trust Jesus, and tested out Sciency-Fun-Gizmos they’ll take home and play with all summer long.

Plus, kids learned to look for evidence of God all around them through something called God Sightings.

Each day concluded with the Rock Wrap-Up that gets everyone involved in living what they learned.

Family members and friends were encouraged to join in daily for this special time at the end of the day.

Kids at Rocky Railway VBS joined a mission effort to provide helpful alpacas for families in need in Equador, South America.

Rocky Railway was for kids from preschool ages to 6th grade and ran from 9am to 11am each day.