What's Happening in November?

All Saints Sunday

November 6
Bring a picture of a loved one who has passed (at any time, not just this past year)
Place it on the windowsill as we remember
Those who have gone before us

We Honor Our Veterans

November 12 / 13
Introduction of our Veterans
A Patriotic Piece of Music
In Honor of Them
And The Nation They Served
Prayers of Thanksgiving 10:30 AM

Trinity Lutheran Church’s Annual Meeting

November 20, 2022
Election of Church Council Members
Presentation and Adoption of the 2023 Budget
A Meal Will Follow

Blessing of Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes

November 20, 2022
Using a gift-filled shoebox given in Jesus’ name to transform a child,
their family and their community

First Sunday in Advent

November 27
First Sunday of the Church Year
We offer the Sacrament of Holy Communion
Hope to see you!

Confirmation for the Month of November

November 6
9:30 – 10:15
God the Preserver / what dangers do high schoolers face?
How does God help?

November 13
9:30 – 10:15
God the Preserver II
Ever hear of the armor of God?

November 20
9:15 – 10:15
Jesus the Savior
From what does God save us?

November 27
9:30 – 10:15
Jesus the Savior II
The Three Trees

Agape Table Meal

October’s Agape meal was enjoyed by 76 people.
Please consider joining us for food and fellowship!
Pass the word to your friends and neighbors.
Trinity’s Agape Table meal is always free.
No offering is ever taken at the meal.

November’s Agape meal will be held on
Wednesday, November 9 at 5:30 in the social hall.

November’s menu is chicken noodle casserole, coleslaw, applesauce, and fruit crisp.
Although registration is not required, signing up helps the Kitchen Committee better plan
for the amount of food to cook. You can sign up on the easel at the back of the sanctuary,
or by calling the church office (570)682-9373.

Operation Christmas Child November 14-20

Trinity will again be participating in Operation Christmas Child. This program uses gift-filled shoeboxes to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world.

Please drop off your boxes at the church overflow during National Collection Week - November 14-20.

The boxes will be taken to a drop off site on Monday morning, November 21st. Please use a special Operation Christmas Child Box or a regular or plastic shoebox to pack your gifts and include a $10 donation to cover shipping expenses. There are boxes and labels in the office entryway and on the display table in the rear of the Sanctuary. An information pamphlet containing instructions to pack a shoebox and boy/girl labels is also available on the display table. For more information about the program, ideas what to pack or not back in the shoe boxes, google Operation Christmas Child.

Trinity Lutheran Church Youth Group Coat Drive

Goal: Our goal is to give the gift of warmth by providing winter coats, hats, gloves to anyoe who is in need.

What: New or slightly used:
• Coats (working zippers/no holes) All sizes – infant to adults
• Gloves / Mittens
• Winter hats / ear wraps
• Scarfs When: Donations will be collected now – November 23

Where: Donation locations:
• Tri-Valley Hegins-Hubley Elementary School – Valley View • Moore Supply Co – Valley View
• Tri-Valley Library – Hegins
• Trinity Lutheran Church – Valley View
• Schreffler Equipment Inc – Pitman

FREE Shopping Event will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church
• Wednesday, November 30 @ 8am – noon
• Saturday, December 3 @ 8am – noon
• Sunday – December 4 @ 12pm- 3pm

Advent Craft Faire

November, 27th 2022
9:00am –10:15am
In the Social Hall
Come one, come all,
enjoy the start of the Advent Season with our annual make and take Advent Craft Faire.
Children of all ages will love making gingerbread houses, ornaments, and more!
Light refreshments will be provided!

Annual Nativity Puppet Show

On Sunday, December 4th at 9:30 AM, we will have our annual puppet show telling the story of Jesus’ birth. We always have this puppet show in the early part of Advent to help focus on the real meaning of Christmas during the Christmas season. The puppet show will be held in the Social Hall. Adults are welcome to attend, too. Please join us.

Trinity Church