November Highlights

All Saints Day - November 6th

When we were baptized we were embraced by God through Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit making that work ours. The cross provides the reminder that as we suffer for many different reasons this side of heaven we are joined by Christ. Proof? His suffering on the cross. As the Father embraced the Son on Easter morning, that becomes love to that ultimate embrace the moment we breathe our last. Therefore, we can commend those we love to that ultimate embrace. Once a year on the Festival of All Saints Day, the church pauses and recognizes those whom they have lost in this earthly vale. Rest eternal grant them O Lord and let light perpetual shine upon them.

Harry Leon Comer, Jr.
Lewis Franklin Miller
Bryan K. Long
Donna R. Williamson
Lyle F. Clark
Samuel Kroh

We Honored Our Veterans - Sunday, November 13th

On the 11th month, 11th day, 11:00 AM Veterans’ Day, that’s how it all started. Hats off to our veterans who served their nation when they were summoned or when they were received as they volunteered. You kept our nation intact. For the sacrifice of time, possibly your life, your gifts; thanks for your service.

Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Collection
November 20th

The blessing of the shoeboxes occurred during our Sunday, Worship Service and 39 shoeboxes were taken to the distribution in Millersburg. Thank you to everyone for your generosity by participating in the 2022 Operation Christmas Child shoebox collection. The Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Outreach Ministry is operated by Samaritan’s Purse. This program uses shoeboxes filled with toys, school supplies and hygiene items to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Together we pray for these places and for God’s love to shine on the children who receive them.

To view a fact sheet and/or short videos (quick clips) on the impact of the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Outreach Ministry visit the Samaritan’s Purse website.

Advent Craft Faire - Sunday, November 27th

A tradition at Trinity for over 25 years, the Advent Craft Faire ushered in our celebration of the first Sunday in Advent. Thanks to the generosity of crafters in our congregation, we again were able to enjoy our Advent Craft Faire where we made cool Christmas crafts. Oh what fun!!!

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