6 Years of Agape Meals
At the March Agape Meal we celebrated 6 Years of Agape Meals nourishing bodies and souls through delicious free meals and Wonderful Christian fellowship.
March’s Agape meal served a total of 80 meals, plus we had enough food left over to send several pans of shepherd’s pie, plus sides and dessert, to Haven Ministry in Sunbury. Thanks to Robin Otto for transporting the leftovers.
April’s Agape meal will be held on Wednesday, April 12 at 5:30 in the social hall. April’s menu is ham, mac n cheese, applesauce, and fruit crisp. Although registration is not required, signing up helps the Kitchen Committee better plan for the amount of food to cook. You can sign up on the easel at the back of the sanctuary, or by calling the church office (570)682-9373.
Please consider joining us for food and fellowship! Pass the word to your friends and neighbors. Trinity’s Agape Table meal is always free. No offering is ever taken at the meal.