April Highlights
A lot of homework went into planning and executing Lent/Easter at Trinity. The bravery yet safety of our decision making which involved continued conversation of the messages and the means of communicating crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ between the stalwarts who make it happen and a new pastor who has brought his ideas to this house of God. Thanks to our Worship and Music Committee, musicians, choir, lectors, assistants, and then some. Your efforts are greatly appreciated by this pastor. Pastor Diefenderfer
Palm Sunday School Easter Egg Hunt
Our annual Easter Egg Hunt was held on Palm Sunday where our kiddos enjoyed the egg hunt, craft, games, snacks, and Resurrection Eggs. We thank all those who participated, those who helped with the event, and the Christian Education Committee for making it possible.
Spring Grounds Clean Up
Property Committee held its annual grounds clean up on Saturday, April 3. Many thanks to Joe Fogarty, Steve Schwalm, Sam Snyder, Jack Specht, and Paul Kramer for trimming the holly bush and spreading two dump truck loads of mulch around the building and trees. It looks great!
Congratulations First Communicants!
Our new communicants have learned that we go to the Ten Commandments to learn our need for forgiveness, that communion is a special remembering that makes real, that four different places in the Bible we are commanded to do this, that the meal rose out of the flatbread and wine of the Passover meal the night before Christ was crucified, and that all you need to do is trust and God will do the rest.
Agape Free Community Meal
Kitchen Committee served 112 takeout meals at the April Agape meal. Our thanks to Jack Specht, Will Parker, and Paul Kramer, who filled in as servers at the last minute for several missing committee members.
Refinishing Project
Have you taken notice to shiny metal in the chancel and the offering plates? This refinishing project was subsidized by the Memorial Fund. When a loved one dies, a family can direct contributions to be given in memory to the Memorial Fund. It is how it gets its name. Also, if you are planning your estate, your will, you can direct a portion of the estate to go into the Endowment Fund.
Sunday School
Sunday School is held every Sunday morning from 9:30 to 10:15 AM. There are classes for:
* Nursery (parents are welcome to stay with their children)
* Kindergarten – 3rd grade
* 4-6 grades
* Confirmation
Beginning April 11th we will be studying Moses and the Ten Commandments which will take us to the end of the Sunday School program for this school year.
Tree of Life
Leaves in honor or memory of loved ones or special events such as weddings, confirmations, baptisms are still available. The cost is $60 per leaf with proceeds designated for Christian Education. If interested, please complete a Leave Your Legacy form for each leaf. These forms can be found on the table behind the back pew in the sanctuary.