Whats Happening in June
Mission Trip 2020 Update
Group Mission Trips has cancelled their entire slate of mission trips for the summer of 2020. Our Mission Trip group met and decided to simply move our reservation to summer 2021. The new date for the Mission Trip will be July 19-23rd, 2021. In addition the Basket Raffle is postponed until we have a clearer picture of what can happen safely.
Breakfast With the Bible Update
Breakfast with the Bible was scheduled for June 13th, but is now postponed until we can safely meet in the restaurant again. A date will be announced at a later time.
ELW (cranberry) Hymnals
So far, 34 ELW hymnals have been purchased for the sanctuary by congregation members. We still need quite a few more, so if you’d still like to order a hymnal (or maybe several) in honor or in memory of someone, please use the order form included in the newsletter. Each hymnal costs $24.50, and you can include your payment in your offering envelope by noting “hymnal” on the Other line of the envelope.
Lunch Box Tickets
The Discipleship Committee continues selling tickets for subs ($6.50) and sandwiches ($5.00) at the Lunch Box at Klinger’s Service Station in Hegins. The proceeds will be used to support our Haiti Mission to build reservoirs through Passion Rescue Mission. Tickets may be purchased from any committee member or by calling the church office at 570-682-9373. Donations may also be made in the box on the table behind the pews in the sanctuary. Thank you for supporting this important ministry. P.S. You may want to consider purchasing tickets to give to a person or family in need during this time.
During this time, while we are not gathering for worship, you can still support your church in three ways. You can…1) mail your offering using your offering envelopes; 2) mail your offering using your own envelope. If you choose this route, the church address is: Trinity Lutheran Church, Box 153, 1220 West Maple St , Valley View, PA 17983; 3) participate in electronic giving. This can be set up for a temporary amount of time such as this. The link to this option can be found at the bottom of the home page of this website and clicking on the big button that says “electronic giving”.
Pill Bottle Donations
We are collecting empty pill bottles for the Matthew 25 Project in Blue Ash, OH, where they will be sent to third world countries for use there. In these developing countries, medicines—when actually obtainable—are often dispensed into hands, pockets, leaves or any other available container. Matthew 25 Ministries accepts donations of clean, unlabeled pill bottles to help the poorest of the poor in many ways: Medicine can be distributed in sterile containers. Pill bottles that are not appropriate for shipping are recycled for cash that goes towards Matthew 25: Ministries’ programs. Before donating, please remove labels and wash out the bottles. Bottles can be placed in the box marked “Pill Bottles” located in the overflow.
Pick Your Favorite Hymn
The Worship and Music Committee would like YOU to pick our hymns for the church services this summer, hopefully in person! Please use the attached form to list the names of hymns you would like to sing during the summer worship services. Completed forms can be returned to the church office. We are looking forward to learning which hymns are your favorites!