Pastor's Letter - September
As of August of this year, I have been your pastor for nine years. In some ways, this feels impossible, and sometimes I find myself thinking that it can’t possibly be that long. In other ways, when I think of all of the things that have transpired in those nine years, it seems like I have been here forever.
This letter is to inform you that our time together is nearing an end. As of August 30, I have accepted a call to St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Pine Grove. The vote was unanimous this morning, which rarely haopens. In authorization of the Bishop’s office, the start date for this call will be October 1, 2020. I will no longer be the pastor at Trinity as of the end of September. My last service with you will be September 20th, as I have scheduled a week of vacation at the end of the month to help with the transition as I close my office down here and set it up there.
My internship supervisor once said to me, “Brian, you’ll make everyone happy eventually. Some will be happy when you arrive, and some will be happy when you leave.”
So to those who were happy when I arrived and are still happy to have me as pastor: Thank you. Your support, kindness, and generosity will not be forgotten.
To those who are happy to see me leave: Thank you as well. I am sorry in the ways in which I have disappointed you. I feel heartache that my brand of ministry was not to your liking. I truly hope your next pastor is satisfactory to your spiritual needs.
Some of you, and perhaps even all of you, may be curious as to my reasons for making this transition. Suffice to say, I have felt a restlessness since 2018 or so, and I have been meeting with trusted confidants to talk about where I was then and where I should be going. That restlessness has been in part due to how I see myself as a rostered leader against what the congregation's expectations have been. At the end of the day, I am not the same person I was when I arrived in 2011, and Trinity is not the same congregation. I do not believe that my gifts are what this congregation currently needs.
One of the starkest differences amongst us has been how we feel about the handling of the Coronavirus. I have been much more on the side of cautiousness in reopening, while most voices in the congregation have wanted to get back to normal as quickly as possible. I understand that position, and while I certainly can understand the spirit behind it, as I too miss many, many things that once were a normal part of life and hopefully will be again soon, I fear for the health and safety of many of our brothers and sisters who have conditions that can make them susceptible to this terrible virus.
I have been in prayer in this time, looking or a sign, and almost every time a sign came to me that said, “Brian, it is time.” So, listening to the Holy Spirit, I am leaving, and Trinity’s mission is more than capable of carrying on without me. We will have the next month or so to say our goodbyes and we will all continue on in ministry.
I wish to thank the congregation for this opportunity. I wish you the best in your future endeavors, and I wish you time to make great memories in ministry with each other.
Rev. Brian Beissel