July Highlights
Baptism of Benjamin Eugene Witmer
Benjamin Eugene Witmer, son of Brandon Witmer and Jenny Knorr, and brother of Mack, was baptized on July 26, 2020. Benjamin’s sponsors are Rebecca Witmer and Thomas Sage. We welcome Benjamin into the Lord’s family. We receive him as a fellow member of the body of Christ, child of the same heavenly Father, and a worker with us in the kingdom of God. We extend our love and support to him as he grows in his knowledge and faith in the Word of God. Benjamin, Let your light so shine before others that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven.
Tree of Life
The following four engraved leaves were added to the Tree of Life in July. The money from the leaves (after engraving and shipping expenses) has been donated for Christian Education in memory of Jean and Russell Dietrich. An order form is included with this newsletter. Thank you for your support.
In Loving Memory of Alvin and Eleanor Bixler by Bill and Susie Bixler.
In Loving Memory of William Fetterolf by Tim, JoEllen, and Brenna
In Loving Memory of Gayle, Dick and Amy Wolff, Let all you do be done in love.
In Loving Memory of Fred “Fritz” and Betty Bowman
Thank You note from St. John’s Food Closet
St. John's Emergency Food Closet board members would like to thank you for your donation(s) of food and/or money from January 1- June 30, 2020. Some of you have been faithful contributors to our mission throughout the years and some of you have donated for the first time. The members of the board truly appreciate your donations through this pandemic and time of unrest. Through your generosity we have been able to increase the amount of food that we give to the needy. The Food Closet Project started in 1982 and was designed to make more effective and accessible the loving service already evidenced in our congregation and other congregations in the area. It was and still is based on the scripture for Luke 3:11: "He who has two coats, let him share with him who has none; And he who has food, let him do likewise." Thanks to all of you who have graciously given to the mission and helping us to continue feeding those in need. To the volunteers, food packers and drivers/deliverers who give of their time to help make this cause a success. We feel truly blessed by this mission. God bless all of you for your help and donations and we pray that you would continue to support this worthwhile project.
Contemporary Service
As our contemporary service involves so much singing, and communal singing is dangerous in this time because of how that releases aerosols, our contemporary service is currently on hiatus. We will update you as soon as we can resume these services.
Agape Community Meals
All Agape Table free community meals are postponed until at least September. The Kitchen Committee will decide in late summer as to when exactly it would be safe to resume serving these meals.
location. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Miles to Mend
There were no Miles to Mend disbursements in the month of July. Please be aware that you can always nominate someone using the yellow forms that are in the office entrance of the church building. Nominees will be sent a $50 Redner’s gift card to help with the cost of ongoing travel to appointments and procedures.