December Highlights
Advent Craft Faire
The Christian Education Committee continued our tradition of providing a wonderful Advent Craft Faire to celebrate the first Sunday in Advent. The children who participated enjoyed making a variety of Christmas-related crafts. We thank the Christian Education Committee, the crafters who provided ideas supplies, and guidance, those who donated craft supplies, and those who attended. Always a good time!
Advent Assistants
We thank our families who served as Advent Assistants to lead us in our reading and candle lighting during advent. May the meaning of each candle on the Advent wreath stay with us all year long:
Hope - the inspiring and uplifting hope that Christ among us represents;
Peace - both the Prince of Peace himself and the promise of peace on Earth;
Joy - the joy the shepherds received at hearing the news of Christ’s birth, or the joy that God brings into our lives;
Love - both God’s boundless love for us and our love for one another;
“Christ” candle to celebrate the purity of Jesus and the joy felt on Christmas day;
Trinity’s Annual Christmas Covered Dish Social
This year our Annual Christmas Covered Dish Social was combined with our Contemporary service providing a Christmas-themed Contemporary Service. We started the evening in the Social Hall with a delicious pot luck dinner. We then proceeded to the Sanctuary for our Contemporary Service followed by music by children from our congregation. Big thanks to the Fellowship Committee for organizing this special event, to our children for providing wonderful Christmas music – Ayla Huss, Hogan Troutman, Ava Kramer, Brenna Fetterolf, Tessa Neville, and to all who participated in this evening.
Agape Community Meal
On December 11th we enjoyed another Agape Community Meal with a menu of baked chicken pie, pepper cabbage, applesauce, rolls/butter, and Christmas cookies. Assignments will be made for the Agape meal serving/clean-up using the 2020 Time and Talent list. The assignments will start in January, 2020.
Thank you, Cindy! Again this year the attendees of our December Agape Community meal enjoyed homemade Christmas cookies complements of Cindy Kramer. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Cindy for sharing her delicious treats with us.
Children’s Christmas Program
Seeing our children learn and tell the story of Jesus Birth in their own way is one of the best parts of the Christmas Season. We always look forward to hearing their message and love seeing them grow in their faith as they participate in this program each year.
DVDs of Christmas Services Available
Copies of DVDs recorded of the Children’s Christmas Program and the Christmas Eve Service are still available. We are asking for a $5 donation. Please call the church office at 570-682-9373 to request a copy.
Heartfelt Thanks
Thank you to Lisa Rodichok and Carolyn Dunkelberger for once again doing such a wonderful job selecting, directing, and coordinating the Children’s Christmas Program;
Thank you to our Sunday School teachers for helping with rehearsals;
Thank you to our children for sharing the story of the first Christmas and their musical talents with us;
Thank you to their parents who bring them to Sunday School and allow us to take part in their child’s faith journey.
Thank you to Phyllis Klouser for donating fruit for the children.
Thank you to Yvonne Specht and the Decorating Committee for the decorating the church. We appreciate how beautiful the church looks as we celebrate the Christmas Season.
Miles to Mend
In December, we were able to give one family assistance through Miles to Mend through a gas card for use for medical transportation. Perhaps you know someone who is going through repeated treatments for a medical condition. If you know someone from the Tri-Valley school district who fits this bill, please use the nomination forms in the office entrance at the church, and we will give them a gas card to offset the transportation cost. A BIG THANKS to Vernon Schlegel for taking care of all the Redners receipts and to everyone who brings them to the church. This is what makes providing this service possible.
Thank you, Joyce!
Our immense thanks to Joyce Schlegel for heading up Worship and Music for the past 35 years. She has done a tremendous job keeping everything related to worship services and music on track. This includes altar guild, worship assignments (lector, communion assistants, communion presenters, greeters, ushers), making sure we have enough candles and communion supplies, arranging for special services, recitals… you name it, she’s done it! If it had anything to do with a service or musical event at Trinity, Joyce was a part of it. (Joyce is handing over the chair of Worship and Music to Cindy Kramer, who is counting on Joyce’s help and guidance.) THANK YOU, JOYCE!!!