Mail Box - August
The mail box is a new addition this month to share notes from people who took the time to share their thoughts and expressions of gratitude with Trinity.
Dear Alice (Straub) and all of TLC,
I would like to sincerely thank you for our card and gift. Growing up with such a tightly knit congregation and such spiritually strong community members has been an immense help in my obtaining my Eagle Scout Award, and I am absolutely honored to be a member of Trinity Lutheran. I can’t thank you all enough. I will never forget Boy Scout functions hosted at the church and Scout Sundays. You have all been an absolute blessing to me and to all of the Scouts in our Troup.
Much Love, Micah Ulicny
Thank you very much for the gift card to Walmart while I was in College. It meant a lot to know someone was thinking of me!
Sincerely, Devin Masser