Operation Christmas Child, Blessing of the Shoeboxes

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On Sunday, November 18th, members of our Junior Youth Group brought 53 shoeboxes prepared for Operation Christmas Child to the front of the sanctuary for a blessing. We are grateful for their participation in this important project. They gathered these shoeboxes together, collected from the generosity of our faith community, to be sent as symbols of God’s love to various places around the world – to Bangladesh where hunger is a big issue for children; to Honduras which is the second poorest country in Central America; to Haiti where tens of thousands are still homeless from an earthquake in 2010; to South Africa where many live in ghettos made up of houses made from sheet metal; to Madagascar where the average worker makes $1 a day; to places where God knows there is need. Together we pray for these places and the children who will receive our shoeboxes. We pray for God’s love to shine on the children who receive these boxes and for our love to reach them.

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