Highlights of Mission Trip to Cincinnati


On Sunday, July 14th, Our Mission Trip team gathered at 6:00 AM to drive out to LifeStream Christian Church in Batavia, Ohio, a suburb of Cincinnati to participate in Group Mission Trip's Week of Hope.

After arriving at our site at around 3:45, we were sorted into crews with the 80 other participants from churches from all around the country and given our responsibilities for the week.

One group, including Lillie and Elijah Morgan, worked every day with a local nursing home, playing games with residents, cleaning parts of the facility, and participating in their daily life.

Another group, including Blaine and Alex Morgan, Pam Ulicny, James Malek, and Pastor Brian worked every day at Matthew 25, an international aid organization, where they sorted clothes, mixed paint for people in third world countries, and inspected donations for use.

A third group, including Micah Ulicny and Travis Snyder, worked at the Boys and Girls Club at Greater Cincinnati, where they spent time with underserved youth, playing games with them and also helping to paint a logo on the premises.

A fourth group, including Kylene Kroh and Kristin, Hunter, and Hogan Troutman, worked at Trinity United Methodist Church, where they prepared food that was delivered to people in need throughout the greater Cincinnati area.

Other groups participated in a Gospel Dance ministry and a ministry that provided a free block party daily.

Through the work of these 93 participants in total, thousands of people were touched by these ministries and the people who worked in them. Each day began with a morning devotion and ended with a chapel service. In doing this, those of us from Trinity who participated found our faith deepened and our eyes opened to the possibilities of what God is calling us to do.

We would like to thank the congregation for supporting us in the mission, and we will be planning a time to gather in which we could answer questions and vision what this kind of activity could look like for us in years to come.

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