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Operation Christmas Child

Trinity will again be participating in Operation Christmas Child. This program uses gift-filled shoeboxes to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world.

Please drop off your boxes at the church overflow during National Collection Week – November 18-25. On Sunday, November 24th we will have a blessing of the shoeboxes. They will be taken to the drop off site later that day.

Please use a special Operation Christmas Child Box or a regular or plastic shoebox to pack your gifts and include a $10 donation to cover shipping expenses. The special boxes are available in the back of the sancturary. An information pamphlet containing instructions to pack a shoebox and boy/girl labels is also available on the display table. For more information about the program, ideas what to pack or not back in the shoe boxes, google Operation Christmas Child.

Earlier Event: November 3
November 2nd and 3rd Worship Services
Later Event: November 17
Congregational Meeting