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Midweek Lenten Service

Midweeks in Lent

Trinity Lutheran Church in Valley View

Holden Evening Prayer

Sung Vespers

Beautifully composed

Sounds new ?

Come and listen a week or two

Join in when you are comfortable

March 9, 16, 23, 30, April 6, 13 | 7:30 PM

Holy Week

Palm Sunday Worship Service at 10:30 AM

Holy Monday and Holy Tuesday at 7:30 PM

Responsive Prayer those days

Holy Wednesday 7:30 PM Holden Evening Prayer

Maundy Thursday 7:30 PM Footwashing and Holy Communion - At Friedens Lutheran Church, Hegins

Good Friday / Tenebrae / 7:30 PM / At Trinity

Easter Sunday Worship Service at 10:30 AM