A very important day in the life of the church is celebrated the first Sunday in November, All Saints Sunday. We remember those people who we lost over the past year, those people who have touched our lives at Trinity.
If you have encountered a loss in your life regarding a member of Trinity or Trinity’s family, someone whom you have loved and for whom you have cared, we would appreciate your presence in worship as we remember those whom we have lost over the past year. Your extended family is welcome, too.
We will name them, invite you to light a candle for them, and pray for them. If you are uncomfortable being up front to light a candle, we’ll do it for you.
Please join us Saturday, November 5th at 5:00 PM or Sunday, November 6th at 10:30 AM.
Let Pastor know that day if you are present and feel comfortable enough to light a candle.
Please call us or let us know ahead of time the name of your deceased family member so we can include them in the bulletin (church phone 570-682-9373).