Mothers’ Day
Eve, Ruth, Mary; you know their names. They were mothers. Our mothers have provided the precious gift of life to each and everyone of us. They have nurtured us through their conversation, their patience, their reprimand, their seat on our bed as we say evening prayers, that place by our side as they read to us, the fun that we experienced with one another as we laughed out loud, that presence in worship, a willingness to teach Sunday School. Thank you for being our mother! Happy Mothers’ Day!
Seed and Soil Sunday
Do we find ourselves that removed from fruits, vegetables, gardens, pastures, etc. that we have lost our contact with God’s good earth and the blessed call of farming? Day was when liturgical calendars paused a Sunday so they could do just that and worship God, the Creator and reflect on farming. The church called it Rogate Sunday. This weekend we pause; we pray; we sing as we avoid taking God’s creative activity for granted. God bless our farmers and our land!
On May 9, you will see a wheelbarrow, a sprinkling can, and a bucket of soil over which we will pray a blessing. We invite you to bring a representation of your gardening, a packet of seeds, a six-plant carrier of tomato sprouts, etc. We’ll place them in the chancel, and they will be blessed. After worship we’ll have you pick it (them) up to take them home and plant them. And watch your flowers and vegetables and shrubs grow!
Scripture Readings
First Reading: Job 38: 1-11, 16-18
Psalm: Psalm 104: 24-35
Second Reading: 1 Timothy 6: 6-10, 17-19
Gospel Reading: Luke 12: 13-21
Gathering Song: We Plow the Fields and Scatter (ELW 681)
Hymn of the Day: Great Is Thy Faithfulness (ELW 733)
Sending Hymn: Now Thank We All Our God (ELW 840)