St. Francis Day/Blessing of the Animals
Saturday 5:00 p.m. and Sunday 10:30 a.m. Worship Services
Blessing of the Animals
Let’s Get biblical !
What happened on the fifth and sixth days of creation?
God created all creatures and blessed what he created
He calls us to tend to those creatures
You have an opportunity . . .
First Saturday and First Sunday of This Month
You can bring your pets and have them blessed.
The blessing will be the first portion of the liturgy in case you don’t feel your
Creature will make the whole liturgy
But make no mistake about it, every creature present is welcome to stay.
Word has it in Europe when the temperatures dropped
Everyone’s pets were welcome to their unheated worship spaces to keep
the worshippers warm
Scripture Readings
Scripture: Genesis 7:1-17
Gospel: Mark 11:1-8
Hymn: All Things Bright and Beautiful
Hymn of the Day: This Is My Father’s World
Sending Song: Let All Things Now Living